

Journal Articles and Contributions to Edited Books

Conference Papers

Research Reports and Lecture Notes


Selected Abstracts


·        O. Kaynak, F. Kerestecioğlu, M.Ö. Efe and C. Ünsalan (eds.) (1999). Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechatronics, Boğaziçi University Publications Istanbul, Turkey.

·        F. Kerestecioğlu, (1993). Change Detection and Input Design in Dynamical Systems, Research Studies Press, (John Wiley & Sons), Taunton, England, ISBN: 0-86380-152-8.

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Journal Articles and Contributions to Edited Books

·        T. Ayabakan and F. Kerestecioğlu (2024). Fault tolerant indoor positioning based on federated Kalman filter, Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 96, 273–285.

·        S.-S. Ahmadpour, N.J. Navimipour, N. Ul Ain, F. Kerestecioglu, S. Yalcin, D.B. Avval and M. Hosseinzadeh (2024). Design and implementation of a nano-scale high-speed multiplier for signal processing applications, Nano Communication Networks, 41.

·        F. Kerestecioğlu, Ü. Şen, Ç. Işıkver and A. Göktekin (2023).Circular formations of non-communicating robot groups via local strategies , Adaptive Behavior, 32 (4), 291–300.

·        S.-S. Ahmadpour, N.J. Navimipour and F. Kerestecioğlu (2023).A new nano-design of an efficient synchronous full-adder/subtractor based on quantum-dots, The Eurasia Proceedings of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics, 22, 81–86.

·        T. Ayabakan and F. Kerestecioğlu (2022).RSSI based indoor positioning via adaptive federated Kalman filter, IEEE Sensors Journal, 22, 5302–5308.

·        A. Cezayirli and F. Kerestecioğlu (2021). Haberleşme yeteneği olmadan sürü gezinimi ve formasyon geçişleri yapabilen çoklu otonom robot sistemi, Fenerbahçe University Journal of Design, Architecture and Engineering, 1, 128–138.

·        D. İnal, Y. Bayyurt and F. Kerestecioğlu (2021). Problematizing EMI programs in Turkish higher education: Voices from stakeholders, in Bloomsbury World Englishes, Volume 3: Pedagogies, ed. Y. Bayyurt, Bloomsbury, London, ISBN: 9781350065901.

·        A. Cezayirli and F. Kerestecioğlu (2013). Navigation of non-communicating autonomous mobile robots with guaranteed connectivity, Robotica, 31,767–776.

·        U. Demirci and F. Kerestecioğlu (2005). Fault tolerant control with re-configuring sliding-mode schemes, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering, 13, 175–187.

·        U. Demirci and F. Kerestecioğlu (2004). A re-configuring sliding-mode controller with adjustable robustness, Ocean Engineering, 31, 1669–1682.

·        F. Kerestecioğlu and I. Çetin (2004). Optimal input design for the detection of changes towards unknown hypotheses, International Journal of Systems Science, 35, 435–444.

·        M. Kalkan and F. Kerestecioğlu (2003). Zero-crossing based demodulation of Minimum Shift Keying, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering, 11, 75–94.

·        F. Kerestecioğlu and S. Tokat (2003). Non-uniform sampling for detection of abrupt changes, Circuits, Systems, Signal Processing, 22, 395–404.

·        F. Kerestecioğlu and M.B. Zarrop (2000). Input design for change detection, in Issues of Fault Diagnosis for Dynamic Systems, eds. R.J. Patton, P. Frank and R. Clark, Springer, London, ISBN: 3-540-19968-3.

·        M. Ertuğrul, O. Kaynak and F. Kerestecioğlu (2000). Gain adaptation in sliding mode control of robotic manipulators, International Journal of System Sciences, 31, 1099–1106.

·        F. Kerestecioğlu and B.S. Nalbantoğlu (1999). Fault detection in robot manipulators using statistical tests, Recent Advances in Mechatronics, eds. O. Kaynak, M. Ang, S. Tosunoğlu, Springer, Singapour.

·        M. Kalkan and F. Kerestecioğlu (1997). Optimal diversity combining under correlated noise in mobile radio, Telecommunications Systems, 8, 303–317.

·        F. Kerestecioğlu and M.B. Zarrop (1995). Sequential analysis of stationary autoregressive processes, Bulletin of Istanbul Technical University, 48, 267–288.

·        F. Kerestecioğlu and M.B. Zarrop (1994). Input design for detection of abrupt changes in dynamical systems, International Journal of Control, 59, 1063–1084.

·        F. Kerestecioğlu (1994). Uyarlanır Denetim, Türkiye'de ve Dünyada Otomasyon, No. 26, 104–107.

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Conference Papers

·        T. Ayabakan and F. Kerestecioğlu (2019). Multi-Sensor indoor positioning, Proc. 4th International Conference on Computer Sciences and Engineering (UBMK'2019), Samsun, Turkey.

·        T. Ayabakan and F. Kerestecioğlu (2018). Indoor positioning using federated Kalman filter, Proc. 3rd International Conference on Computer Sciences and Engineering (UBMK'2018), Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina.

·        T. Ayabakan and F. Kerestecioğlu (2018). Federe Kalman süzgeci ile iç mekanda konum belirleme (Indoor positioning using federated Kalman filter), Proc. 26th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications (SIU'2018), İzmir, Turkey, 191–196.

·        Y. Bayyurt and F. Kerestecioğlu (2018). Effective use of online tools in engineering classes , Proc. Third World Conference on Blended Learning (IABL'18), Warsaw, Poland, 97–101.

·        F. Kerestecioğlu and Y. Bayyurt (2017). Blending on-line tools in engineering courses, Proc. Second World Conference on Blended Learning (IABL'17), Toronto, Canada, 35–40.

·        T. Ayabakan and F. Kerestecioğlu (2016). Bilgi Paylaşım Katsayısının Federe Kalman Süzgeci Performansına Etkisi (Effect of Information Sharing Coefficient on the Federated Kalman Filter Performance), Proc. National Symposium on Automatic Control (TOK'16), Istanbul, Turkey, 191–196.

·        F. Kerestecioğlu and A. Cezayirli (2013). A non-communicating multi-robot system with switchable formations, Proc. 9th Asian Control Conference (ASCC 2013), Istanbul, Turkey.

·        F. Kerestecioğlu and A. Cezayirli (2012). Gezgin robotlarda haberleşmesiz grup bağlantılılığı, Proc. National Symposium on Automatic Control (TOK'12), Istanbul, Turkey, 610–615.

·        F. Kerestecioğlu and A. Cezayirli (2012). Connected navigation of non-communicating mobile agents, Proc. UKACC International Conference on Control 2012, Cardiff, Wales.

·        A. Cezayirli and F. Kerestecioğlu (2009). On preserving connectivity of autonomous mobile robots, Proc. 3rd IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (MSC'09), Saint Petersburg, Russia.

·        A. Cezayirli and F. Kerestecioğlu (2008). Navigation of autonomous mobile robots in connected groups, Proc. 3rd International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing (ISCCSP'08), Malta.

·        U. Demirci and F. Kerestecioğlu (2007). Denizaltıların deniz etkilerine karşı yeniden yapılanabilir kayar kipli denetleyiciler yardımı ile derinlik kontrolü, Proc. National Symposium on Automatic Control (TOK'07), Istanbul, Turkey, 488–493.

·        A. Cezayirli and F. Kerestecioğlu (2007). Otonom gezgin robotların bağlantılı grup halinde gezinimi, Proc. National Symposium on Automatic Control (TOK'07), Istanbul, Turkey, 236–241.

·        U. Demirci and F. Kerestecioğlu (2003). Fault tolerant re-configuring sliding mode controller, Proc. International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering ELECO’2003, Bursa, Turkey, 279–283.

·        U. Demirci and F. Kerestecioğlu (2003). Active reconfigurable control of a submarine with indirect adaptive control, Proc. OCEAN 2003 Marine Technology and Ocean Science Conference, San Diego, U.S.A., 1234–1238.

·        U. Demirci and F. Kerestecioğlu (2003). Sliding mode controller solution for the shallow submerged operation of a submarine, Proc. of the 1st IFAC Workshop on Guidance and Control of Underwater Vehicles, Newport, Wales, 113–117.

·        U. Demirci and F. Kerestecioğlu (2002). Re-configuring sliding-mode controller for a pneumatic servo mechanism, Proc. Undersea Defense Technology, La Spezia, Italy.

·        T. Koçpınar and F. Kerestecioğlu (1999). Predictive control of aerodynamically driven missiles, Proc. European Control Conference ECC'99, Karlsruhe, Germany.

·        M.O. Efe, O. Kaynak and F. Kerestecioğlu (1999). Intelligent signal estimation using cosine neural networks with variable structure systems based training procedure, Proc. 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechatronics, Istanbul, Turkey, 57–61.

·        U. Demirci and F. Kerestecioğlu (1998). Indirect adaptive control of missiles, Proc. IFAC Workshop on Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, Glasgow, U.K.

·        S. Tokat and F. Kerestecioğlu (1998). Non-uniform sampling interval selection for change detection, Proc. 3rd World Automation Congress, Anchorage, U.S.A.

·        F. Kerestecioğlu and İ. Çetin (1997). Auxiliary input design for detecting changes towards partially known hypotheses, Proc. IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes (SAFEPROCESS'97), Hull, U.K., 1027–1032.

·        F. Kerestecioğlu and İ. Çetin (1997). Auxiliary signal design for detecting changes towards unknown hypotheses, Proc. IEEE Symposium on Intelligent Control, Istanbul, Turkey, 297–302.

·        F. Kerestecioğlu and M. Koca (1997). Ani değişen sürekli zamanlı dizgelerde parametre kestirimi, Proc. 3rd Automatic Control Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey.

·        M. Ertuğrul, F. Kerestecioğlu and O. Kaynak (1996). Gain adaptation in sliding mode control of robotic manipulators, Proc. 2nd World Automation Congress, Montpellier, France.

·        F. Kerestecioğlu and Ö. Özgün (1995). Ani değişen dizgelerde parametre kestirimi, Proc. 6th National Congress on Electrical Engineering, Bursa, Turkey, 937–940.

·        M. Çağdaş and F. Kerestecioğlu (1995). On the sampling rate selection for change detection, Proc. 5th International Conference on Advances in Communications and Control, Rethymnon, Greece, 60–71.

·        F. Kerestecioğlu (1994). Değişme seziminde istatistiksel yöntemler, Proc. Automatic Control Symposium (TOK'94), Istanbul, Turkey, 79–90.

·        M. Kalkan and F. Kerestecioğlu (1994). Diversity combiner performance under correlated noise in mobile radio, Proc. URSI Radio Science Meeting, Seattle, U.S.A.

·        F. Kerestecioğlu and M.B. Zarrop (1991). Optimal input design for change detection in dynamical systems, Proc. 1st European Control Conference, Grenoble, France, 321–326.

·        F. Kerestecioğlu and M.B. Zarrop (1989). Bayesian approach to optimal input design for failure detection and diagnosis, Proc. IFAC Conference on Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing, Glasgow, U.K., 625–629.

·        F. Kerestecioğlu and A.B. Özgüler (1987). Kararlı ve enküçük-evreli kompensatörlerle kararlılaştırma, Proc. 2nd National Congress on Electrical Engineering, Ankara, Turkey.

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Research Reports and Lecture Notes

·        F. Kerestecioğlu ve Yasemin Bayyurt (2018). Üniversitelerde İngilizcenin Eğitim Dili Olarak Kullanımı: Bütüncül Bir Yaklaşım (in Turkish), English as the Medium of Instruction in Universities: A Holistic Approach (in English).

·        F. Kerestecioğlu (2000). Yapılandırılabilir Arızaya Bağışık Denetim, Boğaziçi University Research Fund Report No. 02A203D.

·        F. Kerestecioğlu (2000). Güdümlü Füzelerin Aerodinamik Denetimi, Boğaziçi University Research Fund Report No. 98A201.

·        S. Balkır and F. Kerestecioğlu (1998). Codesign and Real-Time Operation of Embedded Systems, Lecture notes for Vestel A.Ş., Turkey.

·        F. Kerestecioğlu (1996). Değişme Sezimi için Dizge Eniyilemesi, TÜBİTAK-EEEAG Report no. DS-6.

·        F. Kerestecioğlu (1996). Introduction to Assembly Programming with 80286, Lecture notes for Havelsan, Turkey.

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·        F. Kerestecioğlu (1992). Change Detection and Input Design in Dynamical Systems, PhD Thesis, Control Systems Centre, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, Manchester.

·        F. Kerestecioğlu (1985). An Adaptive Control Structure Combining Model Reference Adaptive Controllers and Stochastic Self-Tuning Regulators, M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering, Boğaziçi University.

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Abstracts of some papers listed above

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